Public Service Announcements

Here are some Public Service Announcements that can be circulated to anyone who might find it of use.

You can find other information for the public here and here
You can find information about what Cocaine Anonymous is here
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Conference Approved Literature. Copyright © 2018 Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. “C.A.”, “Cocaine Anonymous” and the C.A. logo are registered trademarks of Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


In the spirit of Tradition Six, C.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination,  politics, organization or institution.

Public Service Announcements

The purpose of Public Information is to carry the message of Cocaine Anonymous to the still-suffering addict. We achieve this by making our presence known to the individuals, community groups and interested parties affected by drug addiction. We also have the task of keeping our own Fellowship members informed and up-to-date on changes with respect to Cocaine Anonymous. Over The Years . . . The growth and scope of Public Information has and always will be a work in progress. The internet, email, mobile phones, texting, and social networking sites have presented new challenges and opportunities alike. The translation of C.A. materials into other languages is crucial to the continued growth of C.A. and our ability to help the addict who still suffers. As our diversity expands, so must our understanding. We are not a one-size-fits-all Fellowship.